Thursday, September 15, 2016

A Map of My Dreams

Think about your life as a series of goals and destinations. What places around the world do you want to visit and/or live in during you lifetime? What colleges and/or universities do you want to attend? Why?

My Travel Bucket List

The places i want to go in the future are Seoul, Korea because I can meet my relatives that live there. (My relatives that live there came here to visit once, so i know what they look like.) I want to go to Sydney, Australia because I want to cruise around on the speedboats there and check out their museums. I want to go to Washington, D.C because i want to look at the monuments and know what they fully mean. I also want to go Paris, France because they have fancy restaurants and the Eiffel Tower. (This is like my vacation spot and it look really interesting.) Finally the last place i want to go for right now is London, UK because it looks so beautiful and always wanted to see how it looks at night. So this is all the places i want to go to for now but in the future i bet that i will think of more places to go to.

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