One positive impact that social media has given is that it is a easier way to communicate with friends. One negative impact that social media had made to society is cyber bullying. In the TED Talk video Wael Ghonim has talked about the five critical challenges facing today's social media. In that video the five critical challenges facing today's social challenges are. The first challenge are rumors that we don't know how to deal with. The second challenge is that we have our own echo chambers. The third challenge is online discussions that quickly descend to angry mobs. The fourth challenge is that we are forced to conclusions. The fifth and final one is that now social media is becoming shallow. Some suggestions Wael Ghonim tells his audience for how we can "liberate the internet" is if we want to liberate the internet is by thinking about effective crowd sourcing mechanisms. Another way we can liberate the internet is by having these conversations that matter. Another way we can liberate the internet is having less of these noble aspects of our human behavior. The final way we can liberate the internet is by rethinking today's social media's ecosystem.