Friday, January 29, 2016

alien letter

Sincerely,Anonymous Human

Dear Aliens,

    Please dont come to earth or i will make an army and will have to kill you!!!! JK i will invite you to your first funeral and it is your funeral. Okayyyyyy byyyeeeeee Yayyy!! Second Yayyyyy!!! Third and final Yaaayyyy! No but seriously aliens just just dont come to earth plz kind sir plz. Okay thanks!!!!

 Sincerely,Anonymous Human

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Favorite Movie or book of all time.

I dont have a favorite book because i dont like to read that much. But i read a decent amount. My favorite movie is real steel because i like robots and it was the very first movie i saw. Me no do seven sentences because me cant do it. Seven sentences to hard for me. Plus me so tired.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Friday, January 22, 2016


I would be at school. I would be working. I would be studying. I would be with staff members. I would be with teachers. I would be with my friends. I am really tired so i did only a little. I am going to write or type this statement.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

What is your favorite kind of music?

I dont have any favorite kind of music. No favorite music artists because i dont like music. yay! I dont like music at all. I have to do seven sentences so im going to complain about me not liking music. second yay!! Last sentence about me no liking music. I hate music. third and final yay!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Last meal before death

My last meal before death would be an all you can eat buffet. It would have everything that a buffet has. It also would have a beverage bar where you could get any drink any time. There also would be a menu where you could get pastas bread and other stuff. [On that menu I would get a alfredo chicken pasta.] I don't do seven sentences. SAVAGE

Friday, January 15, 2016

The top 5 websites i vist for fun

One of the top 3 is because I watch stuff on it. The second website from the top 3is Nitro because it helps me on my typing. The last from the top 3 is because I don't know I just go on that website because I am bored. I also go to cool math games just at home because I am so bored.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

If I were stuck on a deserted island, what three thingswould you want to be there.

Well I were stuck on a deserted island I would bring an axe, food, and clothing. I would bring an axe because I could chop trees down and build a house with the wood that I chop down or I could just make a boat and escape like a boss. I would bring food for the trip is because you need food or you are going to die. Food is an essential item in you life. Finally I would bring clothes because if someone comes to me and wants to help me then I wouldn't want to be naked in front of them. So that are the three things that I would bring to a deserted island.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The most important person in my life or my role model.

The most important person in my life is my father because he is the one who helps me with my homework and also buys me video games. He is also the one who takes me where ever I want to go. He is also the one who makes the most money in the family too. My dad is also my role model because I want to do the same job as him. The final detail is that my dad is also funny and active like me except the funny part.
Father and Son Chill Hour.


Monday, January 11, 2016

What are my goals for this quarter?

My goals for this quarter are to get a's for every class. Also to listen better in every class so I can get a better grade and to do well on my homework so I can get a better grade. So basically my goals are to get better grades that is the most important. Another one to finish my projects more earlier. Also to 100% ON ALL MY TESTS. Another goal is to get all 6 books in this quarter.

Friday, January 8, 2016


If I could be any hero then I would be Deadpool. He has super regeneration and I could crash vehicles like heck and just regenerate. Another reason is that he can take weapons randomly out of his red fat pants. He also looks like a zombie which is like really ugly but cool at the same time. My last reason I chose DeadPool is because he is a comedian and does puns so bad that it will make you laughI know he is awesome!           

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Milllllllllllion Dollars!!

If I had a million dollars I would save it if I run out of the money I already had. But before I could save it then I would have to see if every single penny is real. How would I use it you ask. Well see it is simple to me. I would have paid the owner to let me use the slot machines in the casino so I can more money like that. I would also use it on mansions so me and my family could live in it like a boss. Also I will get a lot more clubs in my school. The last and final thing I would use it on is to own companies.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

On my winter break I went to Las Vegas to go snow tubing . But to me I mostly went there to play league of legends on my laptop. I also am a beginner for the people who likes league of legends. Also during my trip me my friends could stay in the house alone while all the parents are out to the casino making the money. During the time when we are alone we all play league of legends together and we mostly lose than win. Then the last day of Las Vegas came and we played league of legends for the whole day. So this blog of some sort is mostly about  Las Vegas and League  Of  Legends.